contact me.

Feel free to send any suggestions, comments, or press oppurtunities to me via my email below. I do like getting emails and I am generally friendly, but please don’t send me emails asking how to start a blog, or tips on starting a blog (unless you REALLY have to) because it drives me nuts. Seriously.

Follow me on Twitter: @whosthatgirlopi




98 Responses to “contact me.”
  1. PETA says:

    Opi I just love your latest photo shoot. Great pics. Xxx

  2. georgie dallas says:

    hey oppy its georgie, this week iv been working at camper shoe design company and they are looking to become more known via fashion blogging websites, it would be great if oyu could write a piece or feature something about camper in your blog
    georgie xx

  3. Anonymous says:

    I like the blog, but for future reference it’s spelt definitely

  4. Amy Hunt says:

    hey!! i love you blog so much!! xxx i wish i had the guts to be more like you xxxxxxx

  5. Dayzee says:

    hi, I must kind of be freaking you out because in the past 2 days I’ve followed you on twitter, commented and subscribed to your youtube AND now I’m writing this, but I just thing you are totally awesome and I’m not stalking you, promise. But I’d really love to interview you for my blog. I (try to) do an interview every month, and I’ve got quite a few lined up, so it might be in a while, but would you be up for this? if you click through to my blog on the sidebar there is a list of interviews I’ve done in the past. (ya know, in case you were actually interested.)

    • Aww thanks it’s fine andsure I’d luurve to do an interveiw. I’m super busy to so it’s fine if I have to wait a while! And sure I’ll check your blog out sounds superduper cool! xx

  6. liv says:

    i was just wondering if you know what web hosting you used for your blog xx :^D

  7. liv says:

    thanks xxx :^D

  8. hannah says:

    OMG! I LUUUUURRRRVVV ur blog! I herard about ur blog in a mag and seriously wanted t check it out, so i checked it out and… CUBAM! I just became ur bigest fan!!!!!!!!!

  9. tara williams says:

    hey ophelia i love ur piccys ur a real photographer
    (i go to st.anthonys)

  10. harri p says:

    awesome blog

  11. harriet says:

    hey opi cool blog btw thnx for the lift to skl x 🙂

  12. Rebecca says:

    Hey opi I love your blog I just think you are amazing to be such an epic and funny blogger when your only my age!!!! xxxxx

  13. Gracie says:

    Hiya Ophelia my name is grace and I used 2 go to SDC (I’m just about 2 leave) I think u and ur sister r soooo pretty and I saw u in the times and thought I would check out ur blog. I love it!!!

  14. Gracie says:

    Just finished year 6 🙂

  15. Gracie says:

    Hi opi I just got my ears pierced and I was wondering if u knew any cool place to get earrings

  16. Anna says:

    Hello! I really wanted to leave a comment here just to say that I read the article about child bloggers on the newspaper yesterday and it got me thinking all night! I ripped it off and will send it to my little 11 year old brother for some inspiration. I am 23 years old now, and I used to be very passionate, creative and extremely good at writing too. I remember writing blogs but never sticking to them. Whatever you do keep this going and don’t let the boring adult life EVER keep u away from who u really are. When I stop to think where I want my life and career to go I think to the time in my life when I found a voice and was truly myself and that’s when I was 12 years old. I would give everything in the world to go back i time and keep up with my blogs! Congratulations on so much talent and commitment. You deserve a lot of praise but almost remember to be humble too 😉 xxx

  17. Hey Ophelia, i just started my own blog and i was sitting there and i read about you in the times and i was really amazed about all your followers and you are only 12, its really great, please do you have any tips to get more followers ? im lily btw 16 and from scotland and know you probably dont have time but if you do have a look at my blog and let me know what you think.
    get back to me soon you are an inspiration
    Lily xx

  18. Tiki says:

    Hi Ophelia! I love your blog and I was wondering if you could check out mine. It would be sooooo awesome!! I’m 13 yr old from NYC and trying to get more people to read my bloggg. anyway, Id luv it if you’d take a look!!!!!

  19. Tiki says:

    I love this blog!

  20. Lily Harris says:

    Hey, imm loving the blog. Just wondering if you were planning to go down to LFW in september and who you were going to see. I know you probably have loads of these but if you have time check out my little blog at Lily xxx

  21. Annie Cross says:

    Well Done, am loving your blogs and your pictures are stunning.

  22. Rameesah says:

    I really love your blog, it gives me really good tips and me and my friends always talk about you! I’m 11 years old and I wish i could be just like you! ♥

  23. anonymous says:

    what email did you just get that your happy about,I saw the tweet but don’t have twitter :L ? Nice blog 🙂

  24. fashionapprentise says:

    heyy, i just started my blog todayy 🙂 do you have any tips for a first time blogger?x

  25. The one’s I posted on twitter? They’re vintage from a market stall on North Cross Road (in Dulwich!)

  26. Hannah Salt says:

    Hi Ophelia, we love your fashion blog! We are currently casting for a Children’s TV show where we’d need someone with your skills – could you email for more info?

  27. Ambria!!! says:

    hi im 17 and i just started my blog im a little afraid do you have any tips that would help thinks so much.

  28. Abigail says:

    Just curious, did you get my email? My name is Abigail and my email is if so email me back!

  29. Sally Mac says:

    Hey Ophelia, Saw you on Australia’s Sunrise this morning… I couldn’t believe that you have such wisdom about how people should be themselves. Get some of that advice out into the female world and it will be a better place. Keep up the great work and don’t change your positive attitude.
    New fan! 🙂

  30. Martha says:

    Hey, im Martha and im 11 I have a blog just wondering if you want to visit my blogs?

    I will e-mail also. My first blog is about fashion, and the other is food. 😀 xx

  31. Hi! Just curious but did you get my email I sent you? for If so please respond if your not too busy, would love to hear from you.

  32. Lolli says:

    Hey:) Love your blog. If anyone will check out mine, that would be great:)
    I’m just starting out with blogging and i’m thirteen, so my blog isn’t very good and there’s hardly anything on there yet, but hopefully one day it will be ok…:) It would mean a lot to me if you would use the poll on my blog to rate it. Thanks X

  33. lucy says:

    i featured you on my blog in a post about teen stars :))

  34. Bekkii says:

    Hey Ophelia, I love your blog, I have been reading since you were on this morning in the summer! You literally inspired me to try out some photography etc. I have always loved fashion but had no idea that you could start a blog so easy. If you have any time could you please have a look at my blog and let me know what you think. Thanks a lot, Bekkii ❤

  35. Kyrah Honner says:

    I’ve only just discovered your blog and I know I’ll sound like everyone else, but I really want to start a blog myself and I won’t be annoying and ask you how, because there’s other people in the world. I heard you live in London, and I’ve always wanted to go there especially after the 2012 Olympics, because I live in Australia. What is one place you would like to go to?
    From Kyrah (pronounced kirra)

  36. ella says:

    hey ophelia , im thinking about starting a fashion blog so i was looking at some blogs and so far ur the best !

  37. Leona says:

    Ophelia I can’t believe your a famous blogger now. I remember you from primary school. Lol!
    I love your pictures and photoshoots.

  38. libby ball says:

    wow,how have you made you blog so big to appear in Company and get such amazing opportunities?your such an inspirational girl and so talented. Ive always wanted to make a fashion blog and now i have (only like 2 weeks ago) but is not very good and ive had hardly any views,any ideas?
    libby xoxox

  39. hey I saw you in dolly magazine I love how you have your own style I think you are amazing 🙂

  40. Chantal says:

    Hi I was reading Dolly magazine and I saw you in it… Usually I don’t look at other people’s blogs because I don’t know many. But I’m giving my blog a makeover soon and I’d really appreaciate it if you look at it. Thanks!

  41. Jade says:

    hey!! I read a Dolly magazine recently and i loved the photo of you with blueish hair 🙂 I was just wondering, how many magazines have you told your story to??

  42. littlemisspepperpot says:

    Hi! Quick question; do you save your downloaded images in your library and them put them on? Thx! Luv ur blog x

  43. jazzdawn says:

    Hey, I just want to say congratulations for having your blog published in company magazine, I personally love it and was so surprised to find a thirteen year old girls blog published in a magazine it gave me hope,
    I love your blog too and if you have any tips for me I would really appreciate it
    Thanks xx

  44. Isabelle says:

    Hi, I live in Australia and read about you in the dolly magazine. I think that you are really inspiring! Keep doing what you love!

  45. MoyaSoya says:

    Hey Ophelia, I saw your blog in company magazine and it took me straight here, its fair to say I was pretty jelouse and i knew I just had to have one of my own. We are the same age and I have have only had a blog for a couple of days but I would be so chuffed if you would give it a wee visit and maybe if you think its up to scratch you might give me a little shout out,

    I loooove your blog and would be soo happy if you could give me a few tips to help me get higher in the blogosphere (not sure if that makes any sense) 😛 xx :My Blog xxx

  46. Hey!
    I’m Robin from the Netherland I’m 14 years and I also do a lot with fashion. Would you like to look at my blog? Link:

  47. Caitlin says:

    Wow you are awesome!

  48. um hey, right, im gonna sound like a right weirdo, but erm, i have a blog too, but its kind of crap and yours is proper good, was wondering if you could shout it out, probs doubt it coz you dont even know me or anything, but yeah hhahaha lollll, its okay if not, ahah, love your blog though, im 13 too so can kind of relate and all :)and love your writing style too omg :)) so erm yep, your probably dead busy though but if I could have a shoutout? haha sound like a weirdo, ah well, XX and yep its about fashion and all that stuff, you probably wont even read this haha oh well sihdfuqw X

  49. clara says:

    i love your writings…

  50. Miki says:

    I seriously need to make a blog please don’t get nuts over that I’m 12 2 lol 🙂 😀

  51. Gracie says:


    ps i am a young blogger as well about ur age actually

  52. poppy says:

    Hi. I’m a 13 year old girl (14 in June) I am a singer and I love your blog ! I saw you in the style Msg today. Sunday 3rd.

  53. lolliclarke says:

    Heythere:) I love your blog so much, it’s loike totally amazing and some of your photo shoots look so professional! I can’t believe you’re like a year younger than me. I’m so jealous of how popular your blog is and THE FACT THAT YOU WERE IN COMPANY. Wow;0 If you have a minute, it would really mean a lot to me if you would leave some constructive criticism on my blog? or not constructive if it’s really crap;L
    Loll xo

  54. I love your blog so much! Yours was one of the ones that inspired me to start my own and it would be amazingg if you could check mine out and tell me what you think! I especially love the photshoots, but literally everything you say about feminism and stuff i totally agree with! x

  55. fleurca says:

    hi your really cool and ive just started blogging and its a bit embarrasing 😦 could you perhaps check mine out and see what you think

  56. Ben says:

    Just seen the BBC video (, very nice. Good for you, go chase your dream and don’t let anyone stop you!

  57. Will McGrath says:

    Hey! really nice blog, site and articles – well done 🙂 Did you develop this site yourself? And do you know the name of the widget for the FB like button that links to your FB page? Many thanks 😀

  58. Fiona Exon says:

    Hi Ophelia
    I saw the piece about you on the BBC news videos and just wanted to say how impressed I am by your blog and how well you come across on film. I feel sure that any career you go into will be a huge success and especially so if its fashion, media or PR etc. Well done you.
    By the way – I don’t follow fashion – I’m quite old! (a 50-something ex-hippy!)
    Good luck.

  59. Johnny Two Times says:

    just saw ya on BBC, KEEP IT UP! You’re so young and promising..You’ll be a legend one day most definitly. BIG UPS FROM CHICAGO,USA

  60. Indigo says:

    Hey i love your blog! you have pretty similar taste to me, and probably a bit more experience blogging than i do, it’d be cool if we could work together or do something sometime 🙂 you can inbox me on my tumblr or DM me on twitter or something x

  61. Myles says:

    Hi I just wanted to say thank you you are so inspirational sorry if u get that al the time blah blah but I’m Myles same age as u and I’m a boy I really love your style and really inspired me to start my own I also what to work in the fashion industry and I was just wondering how u get all ur info and photos of catwalk

  62. Maya says:

    Love your blog 🙂

  63. Maddie says:

    I love your blog! you’re such an inspiration! I really wish I lived in London. Seems like alot more things going on then around here in New Jersey, USA! Greetings from the US, and keep being fabulous!

    xoxo Maddie

  64. hiiiii ophelia,i love ur blog, ur style, everything, you inspire me soooo much, i love ur blog

  65. Lovisa says:

    Hi! I just LOVE your blog! its just so funny, FASHIONABLLLE and inspirational-you were one of the main reasons why I made my blog! Thank you!
    sorry if you get that a lot- but its true!
    Ive recently sent you an email about if you could just look at my page-i’d be so privileged if you did!
    Have a nice day!

  66. anastasia says:

    omgggg your blog is so awesome , different and original I love it 🙂 . I am making my own blog now thx to ur inspiration xx

  67. mollywoodward2128 says:

    Love this! Check out mine? Advice would be greatly appreciated!
    Molly xxxx

  68. very sweet blog ! would love to send you some clothing. I am a 12 year old fashion designer living in Austin, Texas. Please connect with me if you are interested.

  69. lizey says:

    hey girl! your the only London blog I follow and I was just wondering if you could tell me the funnest place in London? pretty broad question I know but I’m hoping to find a host family to have me for a while next year but I dunno where I want to go! thanks 🙂 xx I’m from Australia btw

  70. Lily says:

    Hi, Ive emailed you x

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