Say hey to the newest girl gang :)

UGH it’s been one of the busiest weeks ever- one day I got back at school at 9:15pm. I mean, are you serious?! Sports day and music concert. Doesn’t mix. Anyway, everything’s been really awesome apart from that and tommorow I leave for a school activities trip camping in France. No internet for 5 days. … Continue reading

Jil Sander, what would I do without you? And the 3 best of farfetch!

I absolutely LOVE Farfetch, it’s amazing, what can I say? My favorite piece of all time at the moment is this Jil Sander sweater- genius. Oh I want you, I need you, oh baby oh baby. This is just a quick post to SHAMELESSLY express my love for this beautiful beacon of light. Ok and … Continue reading

Call me Miss. I don’t care. PEOPLE! That is my message.

Here are just some photos I’ve taken lately, yeah. I am doing a drama rehersal tommorow so I won’t be blogging my half-weekly blog tommorow (it’s today instead IMMA REBEL), but definately on the weekend! :CD I know these are all ‘wierd’ and ‘out of focus’, but that was kind of the point- I was … Continue reading

<3 Meadham Kirchhoff Photodiary! <3

Hey dudes, I know I’m {LIKE} SO LATE and we need to catch up on each other’s lives, but I forgot to post these pictures of me and my friend Rocio at the Meadham Kirchhoff jubilee opening at Topshop Oxford Circus, for their last collaboration! I absolutely adore all their work and it’s so sad … Continue reading

lasdkdfljhbsfbkjdlak PHOTOGRAPHY

I know everything on my blog is very Petra, Tavi, ROOKIE heavy, but they’re my inspirations so what can I say? Here’s a really recent shoot for Oyster magPetra did of Tavi. These photos are the most beautiful things in the world. I just hrvejcklfrehghjck THERE ARE NO WORDS FOR THIS SHOOT. IT IS AMAZING.

hi readers. Aren’t I such a busy bee?

Why do I always feel the need to blog at the awkardest moments? Because I have had all half term to process those photos from my disposable and get a decent look together and mock up something relevant and I fear to admit that I’ve done not one of those things. Oh well. Life goes … Continue reading


All of the below is me being mildly depressing and telling you all this stuff about stuff and yeah. So if you just want me to shut up and show you the photos, ignore the bold and scroll down 😀 heyElLo [ So I kind of tried to do a photo-shoot with my friend Rocio … Continue reading