Musings of a little girl…style equations.

I am a bum. Le blog has been barren for a whole week and I can’t even remember what the font is supposed to look like (is this the usual?) Mum has tried to make up a plan that I only blog on thursdays and sundays during school weeks (-A.K.A all my life,) which is pretty much frikin’ not going to work, as proved this week. So I screw tradition (that doesn’t make sense but whatevor-trevor.) At the moment I am kind of having an inspiration fail, which probably doesn’t make sense at all since inspiration is supposed to be something that flows..or something?…I guess. It’s like the organ of my imagination has dried up *I wish I could say that is a direct quote from me…alas, I stole it from old Shakespere, who actually created my name. thanks dude!*                                                                                                                                                                                                      Lately I have been drowning myself in movies of Tavi (you could say I’m obsessed…) and spending absolutely all my computer-time trying to look for cheap stuff on ebay, searching where the nearest thrift or vintage stores are to me, reading ROOKIE-Mag and generally being my soppy self   (-i.e 99% Unproductive 1% genius.) I really need to get into thrifting and stop buying expensive stuff. The difference between a vintage shop and a thrift shop is that vintage shops are expensive (i.e fluffy coats for like £900)…and thrift stores, I can guarantee, are pretty much under £10! So when your piggy bank’s starving, it’s time to go thrifting- it’s a hard job, because you have to look really hard through all the junk, but if you’re brave, you’ll survive and come out grinning with some kind of amazing piece that only costed you £3…And then some girl comes up to you and says “omigod I love your skirt, where did you get it?” And you say: “It was my Mum’s from the nineties” JOKE…You say: “Thrifted” and they say: “Oh.”

I’ve been rumaging through ebay and I’ve found these black imitations of Prada twisted sunglasses for £5.99 and some metal rimmed cat eyes for £6.99, which kind of stops me from buying £325 or something vintage sunnies from Dover Street Market- I also saw a collection of super-cute girl scout badges for just £5, which are always useful to stick to clips or sew onto denim (Meadham Kirchhoff A/W 12 inspiration) or something like that! Ebay is ok, just look up vintage or girl scout badges (but never put ‘cheap’ in the search bar or it comes up with a load of crap) and Etsy is good, but kind of majorly expensive, so I’m going to try get some thrift going. Before I start, I would like to say sorry for the delay of this post…Mostly personal reasons to do with lots of tears (don’t worry, no-one’s died) and throwing brownies and things.

Meanwhile, last weekend I didn’t post anything *shock HORROR*, but I will make up for it and indulge you in some outfits…

This look was primarily based around the fact I wanted to wear my knee high socks- I got them for christmas and thought they were absolutely wack, until I recently saw the Meadham Kirchhoff A/W 12-13 girls rocking those colorful lurex tights and I saw the light. So this look is kind of a cross between pippi longstocking (long stockings), Meadham Kirchhoff (stripey socks which you can’t really see in this photo), grunge (checkered top around waist) and freak (-like-me sunnies.) I suppose I just threw things together for saturday; you see, I have to wear something appropiate for street dance and for being insanely awesome, which is always a challenge- for this look I was trying to explore the mixing of prints more!

I think I spent a bit more time on the look below. I was going for the granny look, but I think it turned out to be more nymph/granny or something, which is quite the mix between old and young. True to fact, this look is full of contrasts: the cchunky aran knit, with the floaty, light mint sheer skirt, really balances out the look quite perfectly if I don’t say so myself! And then for the cherry on top we have my friends- stolen perspects (sunnies DUH) and a cute little headband from Poppy and Daisy in Spitalfeilds…….Me doing model poses loool.


So finale mon, we come to my outfit today…(yet again me doing model poses)…This look was pretty much a throwing-together of things: my standard year 3 pinafore, my favourite Mui Mui DIY-ed collar, some hole-y tights, my thrifted smurfette top underneath, my creepies and my friend’s leather-bow belt round my head! London is lovely at the moment, escpecially on the weekends, though I’m usually extremely stupid and waste all my time.

So I guess that’s’s a bit of an outfit post today, I am tres sorry for the lack of posting this week, but I promise next week will be more exciting- PLUS, if you wanna know what I’m up to, then follow me on Twitter (see contacts page!) I salute to you fashionistas. I gotta go!

6 Responses to “Musings of a little girl…style equations.”
  1. Completely lost for inspiration too…. *hIgh FiVe* lfw was my saviour, but all good things must come to an end…

  2. Sarah says:

    Ahhh! You’re seriously so cute. Can I have those sunglasses from the first post? Okaythanks.

  3. coldoctober says:

    I have the same pair of shoes and i love them. 😀

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