more things that happened in the summer that i didn’t blog about until now ok sorry

maya by me on my olympus so you may have noticed i literally haven’t blogged for ages so yeah wow you don’t have to be smart to have noticed that. im trying to get blogging about it done now so read on for a mish-mash of things that happened i guess????? my friend sezzy who … Continue reading

Mid-week post: an interview with Molly Soda !11 !!!!! !! ! ! <3 <3 !!!!!!! <3

     Soooooooo, a while ago I sent an email to (tumblr sensation and ultimate webcam babe) Molly Soda, and she actually replied, which is awesome and sweet and lovely. As well as having amazingly fab hair, she is a total internet princess: she makes (usually flashy) gifs, has a website full of trashy junkfood, … Continue reading