‘it hurts to be thirteen’

a visual illustration of the blur that was last year and a literate vision of how i lived through it how light affects mood both in reality and picture is too complex to describe in some kind of futile term your photography teacher tells you, and although these photos (below below) were taken last summer, … Continue reading

more things that happened in the summer that i didn’t blog about until now ok sorry

maya by me on my olympus so you may have noticed i literally haven’t blogged for ages so yeah wow you don’t have to be smart to have noticed that. im trying to get blogging about it done now so read on for a mish-mash of things that happened i guess????? my friend sezzy who … Continue reading

what we have here is a dreamer

  a blog post concerning another thing I did in the summer (which I coincidentally never blogged about ugh me ugh) so during the summer of this year (oh shit this year just ended and i am still blogging about summer that’s bad ok sorry um summer of last year ok om i suck watever … Continue reading