<3 Independant London ROOKIE meet-up! <3

[For those who didn’t know, the independant London Rookie meetup was arranged in a group on facebook by a girl called Emily, for teens who read Rookie only, we met at the Serpentine Gallery in Hyde Park today (14th July 2012) and we are having another meet up this September for those who missed this … Continue reading


All of the below is me being mildly depressing and telling you all this stuff about stuff and yeah. So if you just want me to shut up and show you the photos, ignore the bold and scroll down 😀 heyElLo [ So I kind of tried to do a photo-shoot with my friend Rocio … Continue reading

Spring ViBeS Dude {LIKE}

Hey guys. There’s been ‘nul’ posting for possibly years now and I am feeling like blogging ‘ce ne pas mon truc @ le mome.’ And a bit pooey and ploppy, so I decided to make like Tavi [she just did another post- it’s been like a month mate] and stop trying to do (actually relevant-to-your-life) … Continue reading

Fictional Female Heroines (mostly teens…)

Before I start on my rant, sorry I didn’t post anything yesterday I was busy and was working on this but couldn’t stay up all night because like most human beings I’m not nocturnal. Also, I will apoligise yet again before-hand for saying: infact, totally and actually about a gi-zillion times. I have bad habits … Continue reading